Amy returns to the Island and Sir, only to find that the reality isn't quite what she'd dreamed of. Clashes with Sir and mismatched expectations mar what she hoped would be a happy homecoming. When she runs into a former client in the bar, she begins to think that maybe there's a different, and better, option out there for her. Will Sir be willing to make changes of his own to hold on to Amy, or will Amy realize that maybe life on the Island isn't her path after all?
At the same time Sir is distracted by his troubles with Amy, Mac and Andrew are rebelling in their own way, creating further divisions within the Island hierarchy. Andrew is upset that Sir doesn't appear interested in giving him more responsibility, and Mac has fallen for one of the service girls, breaking one of Sir's cardinal rules for Island staff.
Things finally come to a head when a blast from Sir's past appears out of nowhere, creating even more complications in Sir and Amy's already tenuous situation. Will Amy force Sir to confront the reality of what he's created on the Island? Will Sir leave everything behind? Or is there a resolution that will work for everyone?